Monday, November 1, 2010

Frank Darabont's The Walking Dead

I'm not a big zombie fan, but Frank Darabont's new television series on AMC on Sunday night, The Walking Dead, hooked me line and sinker. I was going to record the show last night and then watch it on a different evening at an earlier time, but I started watching a few minutes of it and found myself glued to the chair till the ending. For me, this horror show had everything in it I could have hoped for: great acting, well drawn out characters, lots of violence and suspense, and zombies that scared the dickens out of me. If you didn't watch the pilot last night, I would try to find it on AMC this week and then catch the second episode on Sunday night. You also have chances to win a guess appearance as a zombie on an episode for the second season during the next five weeks. This show is a true winner. It gives me hope for the future of television!

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