Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I just made a short story sale!

It's been a few months since my last short story sale, but I finally made another one today. It's a story around 3,500 words long and deals with the country's most prolific serial killer, who's on the FBI's Top Ten Wanted list.

Even though the story had several false starts as I tried to figure out where I wanted to go with it, I ended up writing the entire thing in a week. I have a really great twist at the end which is what makes the story standout. The twist came to me one morning as I was slowly waking up from the night. I remember going "Wow. I like that. I'm going to write the idea down when I get up." I thank God, Buddha, Allah, Krishu, the Great Earth Spirit, and anybody else for not letting me fall back to sleep and then forget the idea.

The story is titled, "A Step in the Shadows", and will be published this summer (I think) in a paperback and e-book anthology called, "I'll Never Go Away". It's a collection of stories about stalkers of all kinds.

Now, let's see if I can sell another one.

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