Monday, February 21, 2011

This blog may be quiet for a few weeks.

To my Readers,

Before I forget about it, I'm moving to a new place here in town this coming weekend. Everything is kind of chaotic at the moment. I don't know how long it will take me to get my old computer up and running, and then connected to the Internet. I've been renting a room from a friend for 3 1/2 years and using one of her computers, which has been a lot faster than my old one. Anyway, I won't be able to add any postings during the period of time I'm down, so please bare with me. I will try to be back up as quickly as possible. It might be a couple of weeks or longer. Hopefully not, but just in case.

Just to let you know, I'll be starting the next to last "Spenser" novel tomorrow, Painted Ladies. The author, Robert B. Parker, died last January while at his computer, working on a new novel. I think most writers would like to go out like that. Anyway, Mr. Parker had several books already finished before passing away, and his publisher has been putting them out every few months. Painted Ladies came out last October, and I'm just now getting to it. There will be one more "Spenser" novel in May of this year, Sixkill. Robert B. Parker was one of the great detective/mystery writers of the last century and will be missed by all of his fans. I think there's still one more "Jesse Stone" movie with Tom Selleck due out on CBS this spring.

All the best,


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