Thursday, February 3, 2011

Season Two of Justified starts this Wednesday on February 9th at FX!

"If I pull my weapon, I shoot to kill." Never were truer words spoken by U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens (aka Timonthy Olyphant). This is a character created by the great Elmore Leonard (Get Shorty, Out of Sight, Cat Chaser, and a score of other novels that have been made into theatrical films). I just got Season One of Justified on DVD. This is a series you can watch again and again. Timonthy Olyphant has a real winner on his hands and is a perfect fit for the boots of Marshall Raylan. I'm from North Carolina, which is a few states away from Kentucky, but the South is the South, and I knew people just like the characters in Justified--the good and the bad. This is definitely a one-of-a-kind show, and Timonthy Olyphant shines at his best in each episode. He's the reason to watch Justified. I mean this actor was good as the sheriff in The Crazies and in HBO's Deadwood, but here, he is Raylan Givens, and the one thing you don't want to do is make him draw his handgun. He'll put a bullet between your eyes before your weapon even cleans its holster. Just a few more days till Season Two. Hot dog!

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