Monday, October 11, 2010

The new edition of The House of Blood by Wayne C. Rogers

The new edition of my erotic/horror novel, The House of Blood, is due to be published in the next week or two by Pink Flamingo Publications, which will be just in time for Halloween. I spent two months of this past year revising, adding new material, deleting entire chapters, and correcting mistakes that were in the original version of the book. I probably spent close to two hundred hours working of this new edition, wanting to make it one of the best novels in its genre.

The House of Blood, which will have a new cover on it that’s geared more toward its intended audience, is certainly not for everybody. If you want a straight-out horror story, this isn’t the book for you. But, if you enjoy kinky erotica (and I put everything I could think of into this) with strong elements of horror mixed in to give it more of a story-line, this might be something you'll want to take a look at. The novel is now almost a 300 pages in length, plus I rewrote every single page not once, but several times in order to make the necessary changes and to correct the many errors in the first printing. The book has therefore been entirely revamped, so people who’ve read the older edition will definitely find a lot of new material here, making it a worthwhile purchase.

The story centers on Chris Hill, who’s a successful writer of horror fiction. When he and his beautiful wife, Katherine, find the old, Gothic-looking house on Palomino Lane for sale, they jump at the opportunity to buy it. For Chris, he thinks it will be the ideal home to write horror fiction in. For his wife, Katherine, the dark history of the house and the infamous woman who lived in it for two decades, swiftly draws her into its vile, evil web. The house possesses Katherine in ways that feed off of pain, humiliation, and sexual perversity. Even worse, once the couple move into this haunted place, Chris quickly finds himself a prisoner. He’s taken to new realms of submission as his wife and the spirit of Lady Anne dominate him with their sexuality and dark desires. Unable to say no to what’s being done to him, the horror author soon suspects his life may hang in the balance if he doesn’t submit to whatever is demanded of him, no matter how agonizing the torture or sexual humiliation. You see, Chris Hill has discovered the secret of the house and of the evil dominatrix known as Lady Anne. He knows about the murders that took place during the twenty years she lived there and of the bodies buried in the basement. What truly scares him, however, is the knowledge that one more death won’t make a difference to either his changed wife or the spirit of Lady Anne.

Though filled with kinky sex of every variety, I’ve attempted to create horror scenes in this novel that draw you slowly into the world of Chris Hill and what he undergoes at the hands of his dominating wife. The horror scenes are as intense as the dark, bizarre sexual encounters. This novel will not leave you unscathed, but rather with a strong sense having taken a journey through the inner blackness of man’s tormented soul.

This novel will be available in both print format and e-book. The new edition will also have a beautiful, mysterious fashion model on the cover, rather than the drawing of the haunted house that was on the original version. So, don’t get them mixed up.

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